Privacy Policy

Diamond Import is in compliance with the domestic rules and the applicable regulations on data protection, with particular reference to Legislative Decree no. 193/2006 (Italian Personal Data Protection Code).

Personal data given by users/visitors will be treated confidentially and processed lawfully according to the limits and the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

By accessing the website, users accept and give their consent to the processing, use, archiving and/or diffusion of data according to the Terms and the Conditions of this Policy. If the User refuses to accept the Terms and Conditions, he’s required not to browse through this Website nor to use its annexed/correlated services anymore.

1. Diamond Import s.r.l uses high ethical standards and respects its Customers’ privacy. Unless it’s required by law or by legal authorities – and with the exception of the data given to the Courier for the Shipping – Diamond Import will not disclosure the Customers’ personal data to third parties without prior consent of the Customers.

2. Diamond Import is the sole holder of the personal data provided by Customers at the registration time.

3. The personal data provided by the Customers are used to satisfy customers requests (registration and purchase of Products and Services) and to send the periodic Newspaper to the e-mail address given at the moment of the Registration. The Customer can, at any time, ask for the cancellation from the Newsletter subscription, pursuant to art. 2 of the Terms and Conditions.

4. The transfer of personal data by Customers is made on a voluntary basis, but it constitutes a necessary prerequisite to register and to carry out the transactions. Among the personal data collected by the Website, directly or through third parties, there are: cookies, traffic data, email address, name, surname, telephone number, address, company name, district, CAP, city, payment data (e.g. credit/debit card data). Diamond Import can also collect information related to the Use of the Website or to the Customer Service, as well as all the information of what is published on the Website (such as messages or feedbacks) by the Customer, or what he sends to the Website through emails or letters. More personal data may be required in other Sections of this Policy, or through informative texts that will appear during the collection itself. The Users or the Customers take on the responsibility of publishing/sharing the personal data of third parties, guaranteeing they actually are entitled to publish/share those data, releasing the third party from any responsibility. The provisions of this Policy also apply to the collecting/using of data of the User who accesses the Website/Service through alternative processes (as illustrative, yet incomplete examples: mobiles, tablets, apps). The Company collects technical data from the User/Customer’s mobile, or from the use of the Website, e.g. the information about the position/features/telephone company of the User/Customer, including the type of the device, the connection mode, the IP address, the payment methods and the interactions with other methods of the retail industry (e.g. mobile voucher).

5. The above data are processed in both telematic and electronic formats, with methods and instruments that ensure the maximum safety of the treatment. The Owner processes the Customers’ data using suitable security measures which prevent any unauthorized access, sharing, alteration, destruction, illegal processing, accidental loss, or damage of the personal data. The data are processed through informatic/telematic instruments, methods and logics tightly bound to the described purposes. Beside the Owner, other subjects, involved in the organization, may have to access the data (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrative personnel) as well as external subjects (technical service providers, couriers, hosting providers, informatic societies, communication agencies). If necessary, they can also be nominated by the Owner. The updated list of the responsible people can always be requested to the Owner. Besides, all these information and data, including the access to them, can always be provided to other entities related to Diamond Import (e.g. controlled or affiliated societies, holdings) for the described purposes of this Policy or for other related purposes time by time communicated on the basis of this Policy. If the Customer gives his consent, the Company can authorize other selected subjects, such as marketing and commercial societies, controlled or affiliated societies) to occasionally contact the Customer for services which may be interesting for the Customer himself. These subjects may contact the Customer by letter, email, call, or text messaging. If the Customer decides to revoke his consent, he’s required to communicate it to the Society as soon as possible by email. If the Company comes to an agreement of joint venture, or of merger by absorption or of demerger, or if it acquires or is acquired by another Society, the personal data of the Customer may be transferred to the new subject. The Company may communicate and share all the information and the data provided by the Customer in case it felt obliged by mandatory rules, or to conform to Terms and Conditions, or to fulfill to contractual obligations, or to protect the rights of the Company or of third parties. Some data are considered essential, which means they have to be provided in order, for the Society, to fulfill its contractual or legal obligations. These data are indicated as mandatory and their absence implies the impossibility, for the Society, to correctly fulfill its contractual obligations and, generally, to carry out its Services. The left over data are not mandatory, and their absence does not compromise the Customer’s rights and the fulfillment of the supply contract. The provisions of this Article include the sharing of information with other societies and organisms for purposes of prevention and protection against frauds. All this considered, some risks related to the transmission of information and the processing of the data through the internet still exist, and implies a certain area of alea. Despite all the measures adopted by the Company in order to protect the information and the data, Diamond Import does not guarantee the security of the mentioned data and information transmitted through the Website. Once the Company obtains the data, it adopts strict procedures and security measures according to the professional diligence of art. 1176 c.c. and pursuant to the applicable rules, in order to prevent unauthorized accesses or illegal processing of the data provided.

6. Personal data provided by Customers will not in any case be disclosed by Diamond Import, but may be disclosed to the following persons and exclusively for the Purposes in this Privacy Policy:
- Individuals in charge of shipping, delivering and returning of products
- Subjects of IT system and telecommunications networks of Diamond Import
- Companies that provide payment services by credit card
- Persons who carry out inspections, auditing and certification of the activities entered into by Diamond Import also in the interest of the Customers
- Accountants for accounting and tax purposes
- Consultants and other partners performing related services

7. Each of the Customers may apply to Diamond Import to enforce the rights granted to the interested parties under art.7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03 as amended time to time, and, in particular: (i) to obtain a confirmation of personal data concerning him and to be informed in an intelligible way (ii) to know the origin of the data, the purpose of the treatment or the manner and the logic that applies to the treatment through electronic instruments (iii) to request the update, the correction or – if interested – the integration of data relating to them (iv) to obtain the cancellation, transformation into anonymous or the block of any data handled in breach of the law and to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the treatment (v) to obtain the statement that the operations referred to in paragraphs (i) and (ii) have been transmitted, as also related to their contents, to those to whom the data have been communicated or disclosed (vi) to object to any treatment direct to send advertising material, for direct sale, or to carry out market research and commercial communication.

8. The requests referred to in paragraph 7 shall be sent by registered letter with delivery notice to address
Diamond Import – Via M. Perennio, 51-53 - 52100 AREZZO (Italy) or, in alternative, by email at

9. The data provided by Customers can be used, within prior content, for the delivery of commercial information and offers also from third parties

10. The data of the Customers can be used, within previous content, to collect general information about their orientation and preferences.

11. The personal data of the User/Customer can be used by the Society to defend itself in Tribunal and in the previous phases of the process to contrast every abuse of the Customer committed against It, or its Services. The User/Customer declares to be aware that the Owner could share his data upon request of local authorities.

12. The Company reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in any moment giving advertising in the Website. Everyone can check the ultimate modifications at the Policy by looking at the bottom of the Website. In case the Customer does not accept the modifications, he is invited to stop using the Website and can ask the Company to cancel his personal data. Except where is differently specified, this Privacy Policy will continue to apply to the personal data so far collected.